August 25, 2009

Faith wants to be my friend? whatttt?? -.- okay she insulted me and now she want to be my friend? yeah right. Me and Faith same bus, she waste 5 cents by smsing me.... -.- I think should be okay la. Who want sms her?

okay, I little bit rude la, but she deserves it okay...?? Tomorrow is Roubing's birthday! :) Made her a card alr. Very very cute la! So long Jueun still haven't come back to school. Call her millions of times but she never answer me D:

Sms her she also never reply... What is wrong with her? Maybe H1N1? Must quarantine? 太多东西问了。 Errmmm.... Luckily for me, today no homework so can do anything :)

Pe sucked. My group sucks... Only win the last round, PATHETIC. Oh my god lar. :( Recess quite boring, nothing to do. D:

Tag replies!
juliet: wat r u all talking abount
whatt?? :P

juliet: ur last sentense sound good
Teehee >.<

juliet: do u chat

2:32 PM

August 19, 2009

Ju Eun suddenly feel sick, she take her temperature, got fever. Somemore I sitting behind her leh. x.x Then she take when school going to end... Arghhhh. -.- Got like 6 pieces of homework. D: 帮帮我. Now you know how pathetic I am. Lets enjoy a little story

Sleeping Beauty:

Once upon a time there lived a princess called Aurora. When she was born, got an evil witch who cast a spell onto the princess and say when she 16 she will drop into a hole then die. But then, another fairy said she will just cut her finger and fall asleep until somebody kisses her.

When she was in the jungle, she saw a prince who was very suai. :) They dance and dance until the princess leg swollen. The poor prince had to carry the very heavy princess back to the castle. The nexy day, the prince hired a person to sneak into the castle and wait for the princess to come.

The princess went into a room and saw this damn ugly fat woman sitting on a chair with a pair of scissors. The lady said,' Come and try out this magical scissors, it is not like any other scissors you see at the cheap cheap stores, it is special'

The princess went to touch the scissors then the woman go and cut her hand. Suddenly, she became so fat and then she collapsed. The fairies brought the fat princess to a bed and sit at the side insulting her.

100 years later, a very fat prince was finding food in the jungle when he saw the castle. He touched the castle and the door broke(okay little bit cruel ba.) He went in and he found the fat princess on the bed, in his eyes she was beautiful.

He kissed her and then she woke up, skinny again. 'Thank you for saving my life, is there anything I can do to repay you?' she asked. 'You could marry me...'he said. 'Erm.... no thank you... GUARDS!!!' she said.

The guards tried their best to carry the prince but he was too heavy. They tried another thing, they took a piece of chocolate cake and led him out of the castle.

'What happened to the castle door!!!!???' The princess shouted. 'I think he touched the door then it broke.' fat woman said. 'You... you were the one who put me to sleep and had to kiss that gross guy!!' 'Orders from the prince, your higness' fat woman say.

The princess cut her hand again and grew fat and collapsed. The fairies brought her to the bed and insulted her again. Another 100 years later, a handsome prince went to the jungle to try and find his horse when he saw the castle. He went in through the broken door which still haven't been fixed yet and went to the princess' room.

He saw the fat princess on the bed and he knew he had to kiss her. But instead, he grabbed a fish and put the fish lips onto the princess' lips. The princess became skinny and woke up. 'You saved my life! Is there anything I can do to repay you?'

'Well.... you could marry me and go on a serious diet.' he said. They got married and lived happily ever after.

-The end-

okay I know is so crappy but got nothing to write okay? :) Teeheee.

1:30 PM

August 18, 2009

Just now go school. Boring, of course. Hmphhzzzz. Cher made us stand cos never cover the gaps in between the ppl..=.- Whole class nia. Recess was a bore. Eat eat eat still cannot grow fatter one. Life is unfair. I only like what... 35kg? Eat so much still the same, unlike fat ass people.

I have a sudden craving for beef. PRIME RIB!!! okay... I'm weird.

People which I hate:
1. I hate people who very thick-skin
2. People who very act one.
3. People who very annoying.

Thursday and Friday no school. Stay at home do what? Homework... Why can't we have no homework? Life isn't fair, get over it.

4:26 PM

Pissed off of all my previous blogs. Everytime change de... Never post one. Exams are like coming so soon but like just finish somemore. Cannot relax lor. Parents say if exam got top 3 I get new laptop. :) Miss Europe leh. :( oh ya... I forgot....
So old alr. Why still so unmature? Tsk tsk. Please lah, be more mature can annot? Aiya.

Argh. Faith say she want complain bout me, Claire and Ju Eun to principal cos we dont want be her friend... PATHETIC LA. Seriously, get a life. Its super fun. :P ooh, I'm not fckin stupid okay. Blehhxxxzzz.

Ju Eun, why didn't you just throw her down the window instead of leaving her there????? Hmphz.

3:48 PM


Dont like me issit? Go jump building. >.<


Shernis! :) 5th January :)





Music Playlist at



August 2009


This skin was entirely made by vintage.veggie using Adobe photoshop. Basecodes were mine too.